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Nordic Model: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
{{PageSeo | description = The Nordic Model is the only legislative model on prostitution that is compatible with human rights. }}
In anti-prostitution feminism, the '''Nordic Model''' (previously '''Swedish Model''') refers to a legal system in which those who prostitute others (pimps) and those who buy sex (punters) are criminalized, whereas those who are prostituted or who prostitute themselves are decriminalized.  Further, the model emphasizes the importance of offering social and economic support to those who would otherwise have no other choice than to prostitute themselves, due to economic and/or mental health related problems such as addiction.
In anti-prostitution feminism, the '''Nordic Model''' (previously '''Swedish Model''') refers to a legal system in which those who prostitute others (pimps) and those who buy sex (punters) are criminalized, whereas those who are prostituted or who prostitute themselves are decriminalized.  Further, the model emphasizes the importance of offering social and economic support to those who would otherwise have no other choice than to prostitute themselves, due to economic and/or mental health related problems such as addiction.

Riga 15: Riga 17:
|title=Nordic Model - FeministWiki
|keywords=feminist feminism wiki feministwiki feminismwiki nordic model prostitution
|description=The Nordic Model is the only legislative model on prostitution that is compatible with human rights