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Diferencia entre revisiones de «FeministWiki:Bienvenida»

m (typo)
Línea 21: Línea 21:
This includes, for instance, anti-prostitution and anti-pornography activism, female reproductive rights, opposition to gender stereotypes, support for female-only spaces, allyship with lesbian feminists and generally support for lesbian rights, and so on.
This includes, for instance, anti-prostitution and anti-pornography activism, female reproductive rights, opposition to gender stereotypes, support for female-only spaces, allyship with lesbian feminists and generally support for lesbian rights, and so on.

Genuine intersectual approaches are definitely valued, such as allyship with black feminists, support of women in poverty, etc., whereas faux-intersectionality that denies sex-based oppression is frowned upon.
Genuine intersectional approaches are definitely valued, such as allyship with black feminists, support of women in poverty, etc., whereas faux-intersectionality that denies sex-based oppression is frowned upon.

Though if you're a member, you probably already knew all that.
Though if you're a member, you probably already knew all that.