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Welcome to '''FeministWiki'''. This website aims to offer a comprehensive resource on classical feminist ideals, and curate a community around it.
Welcome to '''FeministWiki''', a digital home for the international feminist community.

The FeministWiki is not only a wiki. It's a whole infrastructure built to house a global community of diverse feminist-minded people, of which the Wiki is only one part. Other parts are for instance a forum, email accounts, chat system, and so on. See [[FeministWiki:Services]] for a list of services offered by the FeministWiki infrastructure.
* FeministChat:
* FeministForum:
* FeministMail:
* FeministFiles:
* FeministIRC: irc://
* Add members:

To become a member, you must be granted membership by an existing member.  Since the community is yet in an infantile state, feel free to mail directly to (the technician) to request membership.
For detailed information about each service, see [[FeministWiki:Services]].

For further details on membership, see [[FeministWiki:Membership]].
For information about membership, see [[FeministWiki:Membership]].

For details about the role of the technician, see [[FeministWiki:Technician]].
For details about who's behind the project, see [[FeministWiki:Technician]].

For an introduction to wiki editing, see [[FeministWiki:Help]].
For an introduction to wiki editing, see [[FeministWiki:Help]].