Gender: differenze tra le versioni

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    Riga 56: Riga 56:

    The unwillingness or inability of transgender activists to answer such questions (or alternatively, the absurd answers they provide in attempts to be consistent with their own core ideology) has led many feminists to feel disillusioned with the transgender movement and begin to see it as being incompatible with feminism.  The observation that women who begin to raise critical voices are often met with overt hostility and shunning has further worsened the situation.  By now, many feminist groups and organizations have begun to see "gender identity" as a misogynist belief system, which should be openly challenged.
    The unwillingness or inability of transgender activists to answer such questions (or alternatively, the absurd answers they provide in attempts to be consistent with their own core ideology) has led many feminists to feel disillusioned with the transgender movement and begin to see it as being incompatible with feminism.  The observation that women who begin to raise critical voices are often met with overt hostility and shunning has further worsened the situation.  By now, many feminist groups and organizations have begun to see "gender identity" as a misogynist belief system, which should be openly challenged.
    |title=FeministWiki - Gender
    |keywords=feminist feminism wiki feministwiki feminismwiki gender
    |description=The social construct of gender, and gender as a tool of oppression