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{{PageSeo | description = Transgender ideology refers to world views that are supposed to uphold transgender rights, but often end up supporting sexism and homophobia instead. }}
{{PageSeo | description = Transgender ideology refers to world views that are supposed to uphold transgender rights, but often end up supporting sexism and homophobia instead.
'''Transgender ideology''' is a loose catch-all term referring to philosophies, world views, and dogmatic statements adhered to by political activists who see themselves as trying to uphold the human rights of [[transgender]] people.  The political movement of furthering these ideologies is called the '''transgender movement'''.  Feminists tend to use these terms critically when pointing out sexist, homophobic, or otherwise problematic aspects of the movement.  Those who support the transgender movement tend to oppose the term ''transgender ideology'', likening it to phrases such as ''homosexual agenda'' which is used to ascribe a sinister intent to gay/lesbian/bisexual rights activists.
'''Transgender ideology''' is a loose catch-all term referring to philosophies, world views, and dogmatic statements adhered to by political activists who see themselves as trying to uphold the human rights of [[transgender]] people.  The political movement of furthering these ideologies is called the '''transgender movement'''.  Feminists tend to use these terms critically when pointing out sexist, homophobic, or otherwise problematic aspects of the movement.  Those who support the transgender movement tend to oppose the term ''transgender ideology'', likening it to phrases such as ''homosexual agenda'' which is used to ascribe a sinister intent to gay/lesbian/bisexual rights activists.