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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Autogynephilia»

1930 bytes añadidos ,  5 may 2019
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Línea 94: Línea 94:

The misogyny of transgender activism is sometimes hypothesized to be rooted in the movement being controlled to a large degree by autogynephilic transwomen.  Since they are originally (or arguably still) straight men and tend to transition in adulthood, often after having established powerful positions in life, it would follow that they have enough privilege and feelings of entitlement to dominate the discourse of the transgender movement.  Their reductive view on womanhood, and again their feelings of male entitlement, would in turn explain why they would steer the movement in such a sexist direction and lash out at feminists who don't follow suit.
The misogyny of transgender activism is sometimes hypothesized to be rooted in the movement being controlled to a large degree by autogynephilic transwomen.  Since they are originally (or arguably still) straight men and tend to transition in adulthood, often after having established powerful positions in life, it would follow that they have enough privilege and feelings of entitlement to dominate the discourse of the transgender movement.  Their reductive view on womanhood, and again their feelings of male entitlement, would in turn explain why they would steer the movement in such a sexist direction and lash out at feminists who don't follow suit.
Transgender activists themselves vehemently oppose the idea that AGP is a real phenomenon at all, calling it a transphobic myth.  In her book [ Galileo's Middle Finger], Alice Dreger talks about the witch hunt J. Michael Bailey was subjected to by [ Lynn Conway] and fellow transgender activists for having popularized the concept.<ref name=galileo/>
Conway developed what became an enormous Web site hosted by the University of Michigan for the purpose of taking down Bailey and his ideas [and] that largely enabled me to figure out what [Conway] had really done and how Bailey had essentially been set up in an effort to shut him up about autogynephilia.
Dreger wrote that some activists had turned their horror at Bailey's findings into a very public vendetta against him and his family, including thinly veiled allegations that he sexually abused his children.<ref name=chronicle/>  After researching the allegations against Bailey, she concluded that they were false.  Moreover, Dreger observed:
…the most interesting mail, from my perspective, came from trans women who wrote to tell me that, though they weren't thrilled with Bailey's oversimplifications of their lives, they also had been harassed and intimidated by [ Andrea James] for daring to speak anything other than the politically popular 'I was always just a woman trapped in a man's body' story.  They thanked me for standing up to a bully.

== References ==
== References ==
Línea 132: Línea 144:
Lawrence, A A. 2004. “Autogynephilia: A Paraphilic Model of Gender Identity Disorder.” Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 8(1/2), 69–87.
Lawrence, A A. 2004. “Autogynephilia: A Paraphilic Model of Gender Identity Disorder.” Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 8(1/2), 69–87.
<ref name=galileo>Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science (ISBN 9781594206085)</ref>
<ref name=chronicle>[ Reluctant Crusader: Why Alice Dreger’s writing on sex and science makes liberals so angry]</ref>