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Diferencia entre revisiones de «TERF»

378 bytes añadidos ,  1 may 2019
(→‎Vandalism and assaults: Add frame container to video (currently bugged, but will be fixed soon))
(→‎Inspection of the claims on The TERFs: Wording, and add content.)
Línea 83: Línea 83:
It should be noted that ''The TERFs'' offers little more than out-of-context quotes from several decades ago as "evidence" for its hyperbolic claims regarding so-called "TERF" ideology.  It also showcases a small number of cherry-picked tweets, half of which are from right-wing sources that also happen to oppose the transgender movement, which trans activists claim proves that feminists are secretly allied with them in a big conspiracy.  (This line of thinking is often ridiculed as: "Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarians are Nazis.")
It should be noted that ''The TERFs'' offers little more than out-of-context quotes from several decades ago as "evidence" for its hyperbolic claims regarding so-called "TERF" ideology.  It also showcases a small number of cherry-picked tweets, half of which are from right-wing sources that also happen to oppose the transgender movement, which trans activists claim proves that feminists are secretly allied with them in a big conspiracy.  (This line of thinking is often ridiculed as: "Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarians are Nazis.")

Regarding supposed evidence of "real-life violence motivated by TERF ideology," the website lists six examples.  The first three are several decades-old incidences in which groups of women tried to evict transwomen from female-only groups or spaces, using physical force.  (Since women are expected to be always nice and passive towards males, even when trying to form radical feminist groups, this is of course seen as unacceptable.) The other three examples don't include any "real-life violence" so it's unclear why they're there.  Two of those are about verbal threats (a run-of-the-mill experience for feminists opposing transgender activists), and one is about the deaths of trans people that are ''assumed'' to be related to lack of access to health care, which to be very blunt has fuck-all to do with feminist ideologies.
Regarding supposed evidence of "real-life violence motivated by TERF ideology," the website lists six examples, of which three don't actually present any violenceThose which do, relate to incidences from several decades ago, in which women tried to evict transwomen from female-only groups or spaces, using physical force or face-to-face threats.  Since women are expected to be always nice and passive towards males, even when trying to form radical feminist groups and keep males out of them, this is of course seen as unacceptable.  Two examples are about verbal threats, which is a run-of-the-mill experience for feminists opposing transgender activists, and the last one is about the deaths of trans people that are ''assumed'' to be related to lack of access to health care, which to be very blunt has fuck-all to do with feminist ideologies.

To summarize: there is not a single documented instance of a feminist group going up to a transgender group to assault or threaten them.  Any claims of "violence by TERFs" refer either to women trying to evict transwomen from female-only spaces, rarely verbal threats, and lots and lots of fabrication.
To summarize: there is not a single documented instance of a feminist group going up to a transgender group to assault or threaten them.  Any claims of "violence by TERFs" refer either to women trying to evict transwomen from female-only spaces, extremely rare verbal threats, and lots and lots of fabrication.  In comparison, transgender activists have gone to women's libraries to vandalize them, went to feminist meetings to assault women, appeared with face masks at feminist conferences to intimidate women, and the ubiquitous verbal abuse they send in the direction of women fills [ a whole website] set up solely to archive them.

=== The term 'SWERF' ===
=== The term 'SWERF' ===