FeministWiki:Server setup: Difference between revisions

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    * After copying Postfix configuration, run {{C|postmap /etc/postfix/sender-access}} and {{C|postalias /etc/postfix/virtual-aliases}}.
    * After copying Postfix configuration, run {{C|postmap /etc/postfix/sender-access}} and {{C|postalias /etc/postfix/virtual-aliases}}.
    * Make sure the executable bit is set on all {{C|cron}} scripts, {{C|/etc/rc.local}}, and scripts in {{C|/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks}}.
    * Make sure the executable bit is set on all {{C|cron}} scripts, {{C|/etc/rc.local}}, and scripts in {{C|/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks}}.
    === Apache modules, config, and sites ===
    Enable PHP FPM:
    a2enmod proxy_fcgi
    a2enconf php${php_version}-fpm
    We need a number of Apache modules to be enabled which might not be enabled by default:
    a2enmod expires headers macro rewrite ssl
    a2enconf 99-local
    a2ensite fw-account fw-blogs fw-chat fw-files fw-forum fw-mail fw-wiki fw-xmpp

    === OpenLDAP configuration database ===
    === OpenLDAP configuration database ===