Diferencia entre revisiones de «TERF»

300 bytes añadidos ,  4 may 2019
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Línea 49: Línea 49:
* Not considering transwomen to be ''literally'' women, by pointing at the dictionary definition that is "adult human female"
* Not considering transwomen to be ''literally'' women, by pointing at the dictionary definition that is "adult human female"
* Wanting to exclude transwomen from some political groups that want to focus on struggles unique to people born with female anatomy
* Wanting to exclude transwomen from some political groups that want to focus on struggles unique to people born with female anatomy
* Wanting to exclude crimes committed by transwomen from being recorded as female criminality, since the crime patterns of transwomen seem more in line with crime patterns of men, who commit the vast majority of violent crimes, especially sexual crimes
* Wanting to exclude crimes committed by transwomen from being recorded as female criminality, especially since the crime patterns of transwomen seem more in line with crime patterns of men,<ref name=dhejne/> who commit the vast majority of violent crimes, specifically sexual violence<ref name=wpcrime/>

[[File:Theterfs-delusion.png|thumb|right|500px|Some of the hyperbolic lies transgender activists use to justify hatred against feminists]]
[[File:Theterfs-delusion.png|thumb|right|500px|Some of the hyperbolic lies transgender activists use to justify hatred against feminists]]
Línea 116: Línea 116:
<ref name=queerness>https://planettransgender.com/when-terf-attack-at-hyde-park/</ref>
<ref name=queerness>https://planettransgender.com/when-terf-attack-at-hyde-park/</ref>
<ref name=jamjar>https://twitter.com/magdalenberns/status/988003582250291201</ref>
<ref name=jamjar>https://twitter.com/magdalenberns/status/988003582250291201</ref>
<ref name=dhejne>https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885 (summary by FPFW: https://fairplayforwomen.com/criminality/)</ref>
<ref name=wpcrime>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime#Statistics</ref>