Diferencia entre revisiones de «TERF»

8 bytes añadidos ,  28 abr 2019
Línea 69: Línea 69:

In our case, the ''Motte'' is an easily defensible statement like: "You don't consider transwomen literally women, therefore you are trans-exclusionary, which makes you a TERF."  Whereas the ''Bailey'' is: "You want to exclude trans people from housing and employment, therefore I'm justified in hating you with a passion!"
In our case, the ''Motte'' is an easily defensible statement like: ''"You don't consider transwomen literally women, therefore you are trans-exclusionary, which makes you a TERF."'' Whereas the ''Bailey'' is: ''"You want to exclude trans people from housing and employment, therefore I'm justified in hating you with a passion!"''

It could also be called a "bait-and-switch" argument, where one is "baited" into agreeing with the claim that someone is a "TERF" by using a mundane definition of "trans exclusion," and then the definition is switched into something bad, to justify expressions of hatred.
It could also be called a "bait-and-switch" argument, where one is "baited" into agreeing with the claim that someone is a "TERF" by using a mundane definition of "trans exclusion," and then the definition is switched into something bad, to justify expressions of hatred.