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    Welcome to ''FeministWiki''. This website aims to offer a comprehensive resource on classical feminist ideals.
    Welcome to '''FeministWiki'''. This website aims to offer a comprehensive resource on classical feminist ideals, and curate a community around it.

    If you want editing privileges, please contact the technician: https://twitter.com/@socjuswiz
    Everyone who is a member of FeministWiki is automatically a member of the [https://feministforum.org/forum/ FeministForum] as well. Use the same username and password to log in.
    To attain membership, please contact the technician: https://twitter.com/@socjuswiz or mail to mailto://socjuswiz@gmail.com
    For the time being, the technician grants membership to those who seem trustworthy to him. In the future, feminist figureheads (women) will be appointed to take over the task of deciding on membership.
    The FeministWiki promotes second-wave feminist literature:
    * https://radfem.org/ - Radical Feminist Archives
    The FeministWiki promotes and stands in solidarity with the following groups and organizations:
    * [https://feministcurrent.com/ Feminist Current]: Canadian feminist news, commentary, and podcasts
    * [http://www.spaceintl.org/ SPACE International]: Survivors of Prostitution Abuse Calling for Enlightenment
    * [http://womensliberationfront.org/ WoLF]: The Women's Liberation Front
    * [https://nordicmodelnow.org/ Nordic Model Now]: Movement for the abolition of prostitution
    * [https://pussychurchofmodernwitchcraft.com/ PCMW]: The Pussy Church of Modern Witchcraft