Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cisgender»

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    {{PageSeo | description = Feminists oppose the notion of "cisgender" as it implies an inherent feminine identity in women. }}
    {{PageSeo | description = Feminists oppose the notion of "cisgender" as it implies an inherent feminine identity in women.
    In [[transgender ideology]], the term '''cisgender''' (often shortened ''cis'' as in ''cis man'' or ''cis woman'') stands for a person whose supposed [[gender identity]] aligns with their [[sex]], as opposed to [[transgender]] people who claim to have a "gender identity" that contradicts their sex.<ref name=kristen_schilt/>  Since feminists oppose the [[gender essentialism|gender essentialist]] notion of an inborn, inherent and essential feminine identity, and define [[gender]] as a [[patriarchy|patriarchal]] tool of sex-based oppression rather than a personally felt identity, they consequently disagree with the concept of a "cisgender person" as defined on the basis of gender identity.<ref name=rrc/>
    In [[transgender ideology]], the term '''cisgender''' (often shortened ''cis'' as in ''cis man'' or ''cis woman'') stands for a person whose supposed [[gender identity]] aligns with their [[sex]], as opposed to [[transgender]] people who claim to have a "gender identity" that contradicts their sex.<ref name=kristen_schilt/>  Since feminists oppose the [[gender essentialism|gender essentialist]] notion of an inborn, inherent and essential feminine identity, and define [[gender]] as a [[patriarchy|patriarchal]] tool of sex-based oppression rather than a personally felt identity, they consequently disagree with the concept of a "cisgender person" as defined on the basis of gender identity.<ref name=rrc/>