Diferencia entre revisiones de «TERF»

12 bytes añadidos ,  17 jun 2020
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Línea 77: Línea 77:
* Exclude trans people from housing (make them homeless)
* Exclude trans people from housing (make them homeless)
* Exclude trans people from employment (make them unemployed)
* Exclude trans people from employment (make them unemployed)
* Exclude them from education
* Exclude them from education (keep them uneducated)
* Exclude them from accomodation equality
* Exclude them from accommodation equality
* Exclude them from local, state, national and United Nations protections(!)
* Exclude them from local, state, national and United Nations protections(!)

As such, the women labeled "TERF" are represented less as women who simply want to uphold women's sex-based rights, and more like fascist monsters, which is then used to incite hatred and violence against them.  It's also noteworthy how exclusion of transwomen (from female-only spaces etc.) turns here into supposed exclusion of all trans people (from whatever).  As a matter of fact, women targeted as "TERFs" will frequently say explicitly that they welcome transmen in their groups, since transmen also face the sex-based oppression all women face from birth.
As such, the women labeled "TERF" are represented less as women who simply want to uphold women's sex-based rights, and more like fascist monsters.  This is then used to incite hatred and violence against them.  It's also noteworthy how exclusion of transwomen (from female-only spaces etc.) turns here into supposed exclusion of all trans people (from whatever).  In fact, women targeted as "TERFs" will frequently say explicitly that they welcome transmen in their groups, since transmen also face the sex-based oppression all women face from birth.

The strategy of transgender activists of using simple definitions of "TERF" to make the term look accurate, but then twist the definition to justify hatred, is quite similar to a "troll" strategy that has been noted by philosopher Nicholas Shackel, and dubbed the ''Motte and Bailey Doctrine'' in a paper titled [https://philpapers.org/archive/SHATVO-2.pdf ''The Vacuity of Postmodernist Methodology'']:
The strategy of transgender activists of using simple definitions of "TERF" to make the term look accurate, but then twist the definition to justify hatred, is quite similar to a "troll" strategy that has been noted by philosopher Nicholas Shackel, and dubbed the ''Motte and Bailey Doctrine'' in a paper titled [https://philpapers.org/archive/SHATVO-2.pdf ''The Vacuity of Postmodernist Methodology'']: