Diferencia entre revisiones de «Abortion»

25 bytes añadidos ,  4 jun 2019
Línea 14: Línea 14:
''(This section needs elaboration.)''
''(This section needs elaboration.)''
Philosophical responses to the pro-life position generally take one of two forms. The first relies on the right of a woman to bodily autonomy, which feminists argue supersedes the right of a fetus to life. The second response directly critiques the pro-life argument itself, in particular the concept of fetal or embryonic personhood.
Philosophical responses to the pro-life position generally take one of two forms. The first relies on the right of a woman to bodily autonomy, which feminists argue supersedes the right of a fetus to life. The second response directly critiques the pro-life argument itself, in particular the concept of fetal or embryonic personhood.
=== Fetal personhood ===
