Diferencia entre revisiones de «TERF»

19 bytes añadidos ,  4 may 2019
Línea 93: Línea 93:
In fact, the people slurred as "SWERF" tend to be supporters of the [[Nordic Model]] against prostitution, which sees a high-quality welfare system as a necessary component in tackling prostitution, and in alleviating problems faced by women who would otherwise choose to do prostitution out of economic desperation.  Further, many of those slurred "SWERF" tend to be women who worked in prostitution themselves.
In fact, the people slurred as "SWERF" tend to be supporters of the [[Nordic Model]] against prostitution, which sees a high-quality welfare system as a necessary component in tackling prostitution, and in alleviating problems faced by women who would otherwise choose to do prostitution out of economic desperation.  Further, many of those slurred "SWERF" tend to be women who worked in prostitution themselves.

Notably, one of the biggest anti-prostitution and anti-pornography feminists [[Andrea Dworkin]] was an ex-prostitute herself, and not ashamed of admitting so.  Another notable example is [[Rachel Moran]], who was in prostitution between the ages of 15 and 22, only to become one of the most notable anti-pornography activists in recent years.
Notably, one of the biggest anti-prostitution and anti-pornography feminists [[Andrea Dworkin]] was an ex-prostitute herself, and not ashamed of admitting so.  Another notable example is [[Rachel Moran]], who was in prostitution between the ages of 15 and 22, only to become one of the most notable anti-prostitution, pro-Nordic Model activists in recent years.

== References ==
== References ==